Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sanskrit blog: I am Fear

साहं भीतिः
अज्ञानान्मे जननमभवत् पोषिता दुर्नयेन
नैराश्यं मे दयिततनुजः सोदरः कालनाशः ।
शत्रुर्वृद्धेरलघुकरणं पीडने च प्रजानाम्
साहं भीतिः हृदयवसतिः कण्टकं लोकमार्गे ।।
नैकान् वर्णान् खलु सरटवत् धारयन्ती सलीलम् ।
आख्यातास्मीत्यवहितमतिः कुत्रचित् गाढशङ्का ।
आशाभङ्क्त्री  खलु युवजने ध्वंसिनी सुस्पृहायाः ।
लक्ष्यच्छेत्री सरलमनुजानन्वहं क्लेशयामि ॥
एकः स्वामी यमहमनिशं संस्मरन्ती प्रवेपे ।
येनाज्ञप्ता मनुजमनसः सत्वरं प्रद्रवामि ।
ख्यातो लोके कुशलमतिभिः विश्वजेता विवेकः ।
तं हे मर्त्याः व्रजत शरणं शून्यतां यामि शीघ्रम् ॥   

Inspired by the following passage:
"I am fear. I am the menace that lurks in the path of life, never visible to the eye but sharply felt in the heart. I am the father of despair, the brother of procrastination, the enemy of progress, the tool of tyranny. Born of ignorance and nursed on misguided thought, I have darkened more hopes, stifled more ambitions, shattered more ideals and prevented more accomplishments than history could ever record.

"Like the changing chameleon, I assume many disguises. I masquerade as caution. I am sometimes known as doubt or worry. But whatever I'm called, am still fear, the obstacle of achievement.

"I know no master but one. It's name is understanding. I have no power but what the human mind gives me, and I vanish completely when the light of understanding reveals the facts as they really are, for I am really nothing."
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1 comment:

  1. बहु सम्यगस्ति महोदय । धन्योsस्मि । एषः वृत्रासुरस्य कथां स्मारयति यदा इन्द्रेण सहायुध्यत ।
