Tuesday, April 21, 2020


तदाभूत् पूर्वाह्ने जननिबिडपार्श्वो नृपपथः
चतुष्चक्रैर्व्याप्तः सततघनघंटारवकरैः ।
इदानीं सुप्तः किं नहि भयजमूर्छाप्रतिहतः
करोनाभीतोऽसौ गतरवनिशीथभ्रमकरः ॥

In the forenoon, then, the King's Avenue was dense with people in the sidewalks and the carriage way was full of 4-wheelers sounding their horns continuously. Now has it gone to sleep? No, it has swooned frightened by Carona and brings an illusion of a noise free midnight.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Murthyji... Blogger does not allow me to type in Sanskrit or I do not know the technique how to do that.
    Thanks for your message. We all are fine and trust you and your family are safe. Please stay safe where ever you are
